SSammi Wilson
The Girl & The Art...
Sammi was born in the 70’s, raised in the 80’s and partied to the maximum in the 90’s.
She is a gentle soul with a streetwise attitude and a wicked sense of humour. She is brave and she is bold and some might say she doesn't suffer fools gladly.
She was an artistic child and had aspirations to be an artist. But on leaving school, life took over and along with that came reality and responsibilities. So she embarked on a 12 year career in Psychiatric Nursing working with male offenders held in high security secure units who have a dual diagnosis of Autism/Aspergers and a personality disorder. She then went on to serve 18 years in the Police.
In 2005, Sammi’s life changed suddenly when she sustained life changing injuries in a serious RTC which left her with damage to her spine which limits her mobility significantly and causes her constant and chronic pain.
During her recovery, Sammi had extensive Art Therapy whilst in rehabilitation which, re-ignited her love of all things creative.
Paintbrush in hand, life was back on track for Sammi, but life has a habit of launching curveballs at her and in 2014 following the discovery of a lump and subsequent investigations, she was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer.
It was yet another hard blow but, she approached and battled it in true ”Sammi Wilson” style and has now been in remission for 9 years.
Sammi's Mum Janice, likened her to the mythical bird who rises from the ashes, stronger, braver and more fearless than ever and Sammi agrees that she is “Always The Phoenix Rising…”
The Photography...
Sammi has a passion for photography and whilst undergoing treatment for Cancer she studied photography at College via distance learning, obtaining both a Certificate and Diploma in Photography with distinction and also both Certificates and Advanced Diploma’s with distinction.
She specialises in shooting landscapes and seascapes and can often be found on the seafront camera in hand, in her off road, powered wheelchair, which gives her access to places she would otherwise not be able to access as a mobility impaired person.
This also enables her photography to be from a slightly different perspective which adds a unique style and point of interest. Sammi loves photographing extreme bad weather events when others who are slightly more sane, enjoy being inside in the warm and dry.
She finds her main inspiration from being outdoors in Wales where the lighting is ever changing as well as the weather.
But Sammi’s ultimate style of photography is Candid portraiture, capturing people going about their lives, generally with no clue that she has captured their soul.
Candid photography for Sammi, seemed like the natural progression for Sammi who is an avid people watcher!
The Dream...
Sammi decided that life is, indeed, far too short and following two potentially life threatening brushes with illness and injuries, it was time to seriously chase those dreams.
In 2021 following the passing of her Father, Sammi made the decision to work on her dream of being a full time Artist.
In January 2022, Sammi quit her career with the Police, packed up and sold her apartment and made the journey "home" to Wales.
"Sammi Wilson Art" shop and gallery opened in April 2022 and has continued to thrive ever since.
So what does Sammi Wilson do next when she has achieved and is actively living her dream?
She makes new ones...
Watch this space....!